Monday, September 30, 2019

Day Care

Day Care Beneficial Is day care beneficial for children under the age of five? Should one parent stay home with children for the first few years of life? Develop a thesis statement about some aspect of the day-care-versus-home issue and support it in your argumentative essay. Nationally, the employment rate of mothers with children under the age of five has increased throughout the world. If both a mother and a father are employed, who will care for their young children? Normally, some families have chosen In-Home care which lets family members, friends, or neighbors looks after their children.However, child care center that more like day cares, preschools these facilities are usually bigger in space and may be more structured than In-Homes care. Before making a decision, parents should gather enough information to make the right choice for their children’s provider. After all, child care centers can help a child’s development, prepare a child for school, and create pos itive adult life patterns. A child care center is a beneficial tool for child’s development because they learn social skills and gain an appreciation for education at an early age.Researches have shown that children’s brains grow faster during the first five years of their life. In addition, there are two parts for the first five years of children development: zero to three, and three to five. First part is zero to three year old which the children are learning about themselves, the world around them and about the parents or the care givers. For example, at the time of around 1 year, the babies will begin to learn language and communication by they express their needs and feelings through sounds and cries, body movements, and facial expressions.The caregivers at daycare will watch and listen to see how the babies communicates what the babies is thinking and felling. The caregivers also repeat the sounds and words the babies use and have back-and-forth conversations. As the day care will best suit the parents need because the day cares have some ideas support the children learn through from children’s everyday activities. Second part is from three to five year old that is the time for children ready for pre-school. The children are beginning to develop self-control and self-confidence so they are taught the ability to manage their feeling.Also they are taught manners, such as to wait, to share, and to work out problems with their friends. At school time, the children begin their day by forming a circle: talking to each other and their teacher about something news, singing an old song or teacher teach a new song, going to play station where they can choose activities, learning letter and math or a story. The teachers always beside the children as long as they play or study so the teacher can remind to take turn to play toy when they both upset each other or comment on the children when they answer a question as well.In short, a day care cent er provides more than just babysitting services because they assist in the child’s development as well. In the same way, a day care center helps children prepare for school in the future. Getting children ready for school is not only packing their lunches, filling their backpacks, or dropping of at school but also helping children’s school readiness. School readiness means making sure that all children enter school physically, and emotionally healthy and ready to succeed. It also means providers are prepared to help children succeed as they enter kindergarten.Day care and preschool programs creating a smooth transition between home and school; focusing on helping children learn through a student-centered environment; ensuring children build a solid foundation in phonics, reading, writing and math. By the time preschool started my daughter was not ready to study but I encouraged her that everything would be fine and she would have friends to play with at school. And I g ave her a white lie that I left her in school a few hours and after I went to market I would pick her up.After the first week, she loved to go to school even on Saturday and Sunday she still has asked me why her school closed. She also has responsibility of her home-works which were done before went to bed. Now she was not only comfortable and waiting to go to kindergarten but also excited to meet old and new friends. From my experience, day care services contribute to children’s readiness to success in school. I’ve heard people say one parent should stay at home with their child or choose a relative to look after of the children because one can take good are more than child care center. It is true for the first two years, because this period is important to love, to nurture, and play of mother role. Nevertheless, in long-term isn’t possible because parent or relative doesn’t have enough as knowledge as teacher in school. Frequently, parent or relative th ink that taking care of children mean only feeding them, taking a bath, clothing them. One day of my mother-in-law home schedule is giving children a bowl of milk with cereal on the early morning then putting children watch TV or playing by themselves while she cook meal.On lunch time, she feeds children and lets them playing and eating at the same time even my niece is five years old but my niece can not eat by herself. After lunch time, usually more than two hours, the children take a little nap but kipping brush their teeth. When the children wake up, they continue to watch TV until their parents pick them up. I had argument with my mother-in-law about her ways and I decided to stay at home for first two years to take care of my daughter. When my daughter was two years old, I gave her to school.Now, my daughter who will be five years old on Feb, 2011 can read books and do math for the kindergarten grade. She always sings a song and pretends a show that she thinks by herself as ba llet show, story time, and magic show. As a result, what children learn when they are young goes a long way, so day care center can be fill a gap that in-home care obstacle. Also the children who were enrolled in a quality day care and preschool tend to progress faster in kindergarten and less likely to repeat grades, or need special class.Moreover, preschool is still the best choice for parents to help children develop positive adult life patterns. Researchers show that families and communities benefit when the children participate in quality preschool programs. Quality preschool helps children the best possible in both academically and socially such as socialize and interact appropriately with peers and teachers, practice new skills independently, finish tasks, be persistent when learning something new. As they grow, children will more likely to graduate from high school and find good jobs, and less likely to be involved in crime.For instance, children have field trip to visit the zoos, museums, fire and police station so that they can understand the love of animals, the jobs of fire fighter and police officer. Additionally, the parents and teachers can identify any early learning disabilities or other special needs a child might have in order to minimize any long term effects. In contrast with my daughter, my nephew stayed at home with his grandmother until four years old and he couldn’t speak fluently.When he went to preschool nobody can understand what he said, immediately, his teacher talked to his parent and they decided to give him into special class where he can learn how to speak with the other people. Now, he gets a good grade at elementary school. Thus, the children will be succeeding later in life if they are in good environment such as happy family and quality school. To sum up, we can say child care centers can help a child’s development, prepare a child for school, and create positive adult life patterns that train the children to be good citizen.So selecting a child care provider is one of the most important decisions people have to make during the early years of their children. Always remember, young children learn through play, and school should be fun. A daily school schedule should include time for teacher instruction, hands-on learning activities, educational projects where children work independently and together in groups as well as time for recreational fun. Vietnamese quotation â€Å"Day con tu thuo con tho† means we had to teach the children from they were born. The children like the white paper, what we write, it will stay forever.

Automobile Repair and Mechanics Essay

Automobile repair is not only an interesting field to me, also I feel automobile maintenance is necessary knowledge to have in today’s auto market. Like studying for school or learning the skills of a job; I feel knowing how to repair a vehicle will produce a cost effective lifestyle, and take out all the hassle anyone who owns a vehicle encounters everyday. How many Americans can change their own oil that don’t work as mechanics, or what is the average repair bill for a same day repair are questions that bring concern to how becoming my own handyman makes a productive choice. I decided to explore the topic a little more to get a better understanding of the requirements to become an auto mechanic, for I have decided to become certified in Automotive Technology. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(definition)- â€Å"an auto mechanic is a technician that inspects, maintains and repairs automobiles and light trucks that run on gasoline, electricity or other alternative fuels; like ethanol†. Auto mechanics play a very important role in maintaining and keeping vehicles running efficiently. The field of auto mechanics reveals a long history, specialized schooling and strong career objectives for anyone that would like to choose this field as a career. There are certain requirements to become an auto mechanic, and a student can get the basics of automobile repair by taking a vocational class in high school. The course is not really considered training, but the class gives a basic knowledge of what mechanics do. To be considered a qualified auto mechanic; completing training at a post- secondary school like Pinellas Technical Education Centers or at a community college are the best choices, but the college aspect is not as much hands on as the secondary school. â€Å"PTEC consists of 2 years of intense training†(brochure), and the community college usually offers an associate degree for this field that also takes 2 years to complete the coursework. With these types of training, getting the most up to date training needed is essential; like using computer systems to detect problems with cars. Another form of training involves working as an apprentice to a master technician so questions are answered from experience . When all the formal training is completed a mechanic is considered certified when receiving a ASE Certification. This stands for Automobile Service Excellence Certification. The Bureau of Labor statistics suggests that individuals who live in large cities should get certified to help them with their search for jobs. An auto mechanics basic job function is performed in some type of repair shop, and working 40 plus hours a work is expected with such high volume of vehicles to work on. Sometimes work can continue into the weekend, along with performing work on the side to help earn some extra money. The working environment for the job involves identifying and fixing problems that deal with the car in a repair shop. Most of the time repairs are done indoors in a large, open garage like facility, including mechanics to get dirty due to all the grease repairs performed daily. These functions are real important that this does not bother someone who might want to do this as a job, for some of the grease and dirt is almost impossible to get completely rid of. Many shops have now included electrical technology as part of their services due to the fact that most cars have specialized computer systems. â€Å"This new service has increased the mechanics skill level greatly† (resource). â€Å"Many repair shops rely on these computerized systems to help in identifying problems related to the car† (Ly). The term auto mechanic is slowly fading away, and many mechanics are now being labeled as service technicians. The change in the name comes from the fact that working on many different parts of the car, and computer systems that require additional and more advanced training. Auto mechanics make a pretty good living. Starting out as a new auto mechanic the annual income will range between $25,000 – $35,000. The next level mechanic could make $35,000- $45,000. After that the pay can be anywhere from $45,000 up to $100,000, for the higher pay range is for a Master Mechanic. It would be best to try and achieve the highest level of pay to make this job worthwhile. This is not exactly a goal that I am going to set forth for myself to achieve because simply auto work is all I’m interested in. Many Master Mechanics work for luxury car manufacturers like Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar and Porsche. The future for service technicians looks very bright. For the next 3 years the auto mechanics field will see an increase close to 10- 20%. This increase is due to many technicians retiring, and due to an increase in cars being purchased. Dealerships and independent car repair shops will be the main employers of service technicians. The outlook continues to look positive for auto mechanics even though economic downfall is predicted to continue. In conclusion, auto mechanics is a very diverse field that requires complete dedication and skill to help become successful. Mechanics involves a long history, specialized schooling and the desire to achieve. Auto mechanics has evolved into a very complex and sometimes challenging field, and the future job outlook for this field is great and it is a very good choice for anyone interested in pursuing this career.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How did WWII change America and the World Essay

The World War II remains the bloodiest and deadliest crisis in world history. It involved the best ever battle lines, enormous armed forces, along with the most destructive weapons in the history of the world (Martel 245). The worldwide disagreement that was regarded as or labelled World War II emanated from the 1930s great depression, a turmoil that undermined, destabilized and weakened economies, governments’ and nations around the world. For instance, in Germany, the rise of Hitler occurred partially because he alleged to be capable of transforming a destabilized Germany by then to an autonomous economic and military power that could control its destiny not only in Europe, but in the entire world as well (Martel 240). This paper therefore explores how this global conflict (WWII) changed America and the entire world. For the US, World War II constituted the most significant fiscal event of the 20th century (Higgs 53). The war’s consequences on the United States were diverse and far-reaching. It indomitably ended the great depression, and the US federal government came out from the war as a possible economic actor, capable of regulating fiscal activity and to partly control the world economy via spending and consumption. What’s more, the wartime economic explosion spurred and promoted a number of social trends. First was the job creation that paralleled the growth of industrial production, in so doing, attained what Roosevelt’s New Deal programs had been incapable to achieve (Rindfuss, Morgan & Swicegood 86). According to Higgs (58), in 1940, there were more than eight million unemployed Americans. However, by 1941, unemployment became a thing of the past. There were in fact labour shortages in numerous industries. Consequently, federal inspectors did ignore laws deterring employment of women and children (Martel 250). With little or no public outcry, several high school dropouts escalated substantially. Also, several women were absorbed in the workforce to assist make implements and munitions of war. These women were later nicknamed ‘Rosie the Riveter’ and were pivotal part of the US success in war (Martel 251). Additionally, the WWII revitalized American industries, and a lot of sectors were by the end of the war (1945) either brusquely oriented to defence production (for instance, electronics and aerospace) or entirely dependent on atomic energy (Rindfuss, Morgan & Swicegood 82). The organised labour unions were as well strengthened far beyond the depression period and became a key counter-balance to both private and government industry. Given the fact that novel employment took place in unionized workplaces, plus industries funded by the American government, the continuance of membership decision during World War II was a magnificent advantage for organized labour (Rindfuss, Morgan & Swicegood 84). As a result, organized labour increased from ten million in 1941 to approximately fifteen million by 1945. Also, about thirty six percent of the work-force in non-agricultural sector was unionized, recording the highest percentage ever in American history. Similarly, the war’s speedy technological and scientific changes continued and deepened trends commenced during the great depression and shaped lasting anticipation of continued novelty on the part of several engineers, citizens and government officials. Besides, the significant increases in individual income as well as quality of life throughout the war resulted in a number of Americans foreseeing permanent improvements to their material needs (Rindfuss, Morgan & Swicegood 85). That said, the World War II brought to an end the godless Nazi regime plus their murder machine. It as well wrecked Japan’s control over Pacific, thereby ushering in the atomic age (Martel 255). Europe that had been under authoritarian Nazi boot became under the Communist boot. Besides, the war led to medicine improvements in the world, particularly in the use of antibiotics. New-fangled forms of occupational and physical therapy to assist returning veterans and wounded soldiers were as well invented and used. What’s more, the work of individuals, such as von Braun in the Second World War greatly transformed world technology, especially rocket technology, which became a major focus during Cold War (Neufeld 164). The dramatic transformations in military technology resulted in changes to operational and tactical skills. Stanovov (1) asserted that all contemporary warfare grew from the concepts which first came from 1939-1945. The actions of pooled units, close relations of dissimilar armed services, the greatly escalated significance of radio-electronic warfare, strategic bombings, psychological and mass information warfare, to mention just some factors. The World War II became in fact total in psychological, technical and informational senses, radically transforming the prerequisites to logistical support. Moreover, it spectacularly changed the balance between small and large economies in the world platform. Whilst previously the disparity between the armed forces of a small and large country was largely quantitative, with WW2 it became qualitative, as a few nations in the world could manage to create fully-fledged nuclear-era armed forces (Stanovov 1). Finally, every great conflict, especially concerning great allies and axis, brings something unique to the art of warfare. But Second World War was outstanding in that respect. The changes in the hardware, equipment, structure and the way military forces were utilized were unique both in their significance and scope. Even WWI that first witnessed major use of war tanks, submarines and planes had never brought to fore such massive change to the world.

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Stereotypes Affect Us Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How Stereotypes Affect Us - Assignment Example The safety and equality of the blacks are still not unconditional. Steele writes, â€Å"They come from the way a society, at a given time, is organized around an identity like me. That organization reflects the place, as well as the ongoing individual and group competition for an opportunity and the good life.†(3) An undeclared engagement is going on at every stage, in every segment of life of blacks and whites. Its emphasis and intensity may vary, nevertheless it is there, and it has not been erased from the social norms of the people of America. This position gives room for some to enjoy at the cost of suffering of others. Those others are mainly blacks. Defined and undefined activities related to ethnic segregation move together at the cost of the blacks. Stereotype threat is real. Its impact is more in the educational institutions, the abode of combustible younger generation, both whites and blacks. They have the knowledge of American history, whose pages are daubed in the bloodshed of racism. Explaining through an example, the author elaborates the nature of fear psychosis born out of stereotype threat, by citing the experience of Brent Staples, a psychology graduate student walking down the streets of Chicago’s Hyde Park neighbourhood. â€Å"I became an expert in the language of fear. Couples locked arms or reached for each other’s hand when they saw me. Some crossed to the other side of the street. People who were carrying on conversations went mute and stared straight ahead, as though avoiding my eyes would save them.†(6) By educating an individual, you are educating a generation. Therefore, educational institutions, where students of different ethnic groups, blacks and whites meet for a common purpose, are t he right places to initiate the process of reconciliation. Steele also highlights the importance of role models and argues, â€Å"They dramatically reduced stereotype threats impairment of women’s math performance by reminding them just before the test, the positive women role models.†(94)  Ã‚  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Review for teaching strategies for reading using evidence Paper

Review for teaching strategies for reading using evidence based practices for special education students - Research Paper Example However, many educators have failed to recognize the importance of EBP in learning institutions. There are numerous students with varied disabilities; hence there is a need for experienced professionals to implement effective reading strategies for teaching. They can also engage parents in this intervention program in order to increase the performance level. This is because parents are the first primary caregivers and educators of the child; thus engaging them in the program will contribute to positive change. Therefore, the EBP should be matched with the unique needs of students and their skills; thus developing effective Individualized Education Program (IEP) for producing better learning outcomes. The themes in the research articles focus on reading instructions, developing fluency and vocabulary instructions for students with learning disabilities. Therefore, the study seeks to offer an insight on the research issues as to whether teaching strategies for reading using EBP is an e ffective approach for individual education students. It seeks to reveal the way educators can teach students to read, but  how well do  students with disabilities understand what they are reading? Educators can also help students with LD (learning disabilities) to think critically. However,  do they actually comprehend what the vocabulary words mean and talk fluent? Therefore, what can educators do in order to help these students to think critically, understand vocabularies and read fluent? The research employs varied methods such as questionnaires, surveys of the perception of students and standardized tests in order to determine how students can develop effective reading or improve performance learning skills. The results varied across students with learning disabilities, but the majority of the students showed improved reading comprehensive skills when employing EBP approach. Summary of Studies Article 1 Participants Stetter, M. E., & Hughes, M. T. (January 01, 2011). Compu ter Assisted Instruction to Promote Comprehension in Students with Learning Disabilities. International Journal of Special Education, 26, 1, 88-100 reveals the way reading comprehension is significant. The article reveals the way students with LD strive to improve reading skills and many of them face numerous challenges in learning environment. Therefore, the article attempts to analyze whether the computer assisted instructions can help in promoting reading comprehension for students with LD (Stetter and Hughes, 2011). The authors carried out research through employing a single-subject and diverse baseline designed for achieving the desired outcomes. They employed varied methodologies such as surveys, standardized tests and daily questions in order to determine the way reading comprehension is valuable for achieving academic success. The study results revealed that computer assisted instructions could have influenced the reading comprehension of students with LD. The participants w ho participated in the research study were students from varied schools in the United States. Of these students, 90 % of them were from lower socio-economic background and the remaining percentage from high socio-economic class. The students with LD also participated in

The Lower Mainland region of Canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Lower Mainland region of Canada - Essay Example In the lower mainland, the educational services have transformed a little compared to those, which were offered in 2004, which were relatively safe. Positive change in educational services from 2004 to 2014 is mainly to the increase in the number of the universities in the lower mainland of Canada, offer education to students including the overseas student (Bruegmann, 2006). Presently, these services must be improved as the educational services are progressing throughout the world, and if these services do not improve, the lower mainland will find itself far behind other in the field of education. Innovations are required to make the things better and easy for the welfare of the people, which offer populace with suitable facilities that all the other people of different areas using and living a well-balanced life. Moreover, in the current year innovations is progressive while professional, scientific and technical services have gone one-step back as compared to the previous years and decreasing the economy of the area. Food and accommodation services have remained the same in the lower mainland from the past ten years. There is an increase of 3.1% in development of food and accommodation from 2004 to 2014 in the area (Bruegmann, 2006). Static in food and accommodation is mainly due to the presence of numerous hotels in the lower mainland at different rates and with the various facilities, which is available for all. There exist all type foods are available. Moreover, rooms can be booked online and can be canceled anytime.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Sanctity Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Sanctity - Research Proposal Example Here, Muggeridge's statement of 1997 is relevant: "The quest for quality of life could endanger the human race if sanctity of life is ignored." That is, the quest for qualitative human life which ignores the sanctity of life carries within it the potential of failure and counter-productivity; consequently, the preservation of the sanctity of human life must go hand in hand with the quest for quality of life. Yes, that is a logical theoretical inference, with two operative phrases "the preservation" and "must go hand in hand". Aristotle, however, once said that talking (or theorising) about virtue does not make a man virtuous. To be virtuous, the desiring one must do something, must act- according to a well-conceived, open-minded and intelligibly articulated conceptual frame, which must form the (temporary or permanent guide) and watchword for the aspirer. Therefore, to begin with: What is a practical pursuit of the quality of life What is that pursuit that does not in any way exclude the preservation of the sanctity of human life Moreover, what is human life, whose quality one wishes to improve What are its facets and ramifications, its scope, the limits of its entirety Is it all about satisfying the instincts of hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex All about traditionalistic religious devotion, churchism, or Islamism About quintessential scholarly fulfilment Amassing wealth and riches Marrying and raising familiesEvidently, none of these activities capture the human life comprehensively, since not every one is religious, can be scholarly, will marry and raise families, or can amass wealth and riches; yet everyone has a (human) life, irrespective of his background, privilege, ability or disability; irrespective of his sanity or insanity. Then, the quality of life. By what yardstick is the quality of life to be measured By political stability By economic prosperity Religious edification Or by a predominance of sterling scholarship The United States and Britain, two of the most politically stable nations of the world, do not praise or envisage the attainment of their kind of politics by other nations as barometers of a flawless qualitative human life (Academic Digestive 2005). Neither does a polity content itself with perfecting its political development, in the hope of attaining to a wholesome life for its people. Since 1940(when the performance of economy began to be measured systematically), man has focused on the pursuit of economic growth, striving to increase the flow of traded goods and services, concentrating on the creation of factories- local, national, multinational; on the cultivation of raw materials and their large-scale conversion into goods and assets, on discovering and nurturing skills of craftsmanship, improvisation and serendipity-all towards achieving and sustaining vibrant economic standards, whose beauty envisioned from a distance by the wandering inquisitiveness of mankind, seemed to promise the advent of a comprehensively, if not perfectly, enhanced quality of human life. While, consequently, the demand for goods and service

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Financial Markets and Institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2

Financial Markets and Institutions - Essay Example Another option available to an investor is the financial markets that help to channel money from an individual having surplus funds to an individual who requires the money. By participating in financial markets the investor will get the opportunity to invest in a broad range of securities ranging from stocks, bonds, and Treasury bills to modern financial instruments such as derivatives. Financial markets helps to create wealth by mobilizing personal savings of investors and arranging suitable invest opportunity. The process in turn contributes in creation of national wealth by encouraging investments and savings (Madura, 2012, pp.4-7). Overview of Securities Treasury Bills The maturity of T-bills is less than a year and is hence instrument of money market and not capital market. These instruments are very similar to zero-coupon bonds and hence do not pay interest prior to maturity. The process of issuing T-bills is through competitive bidding where they are sold to investors at disco unt and at maturity they are redeemed at the face value of the bond. The appreciation of bond prices in near future provides returns for investment. The maturity of treasury bills varies from 28 days to 364 days and they are sold weekly through single-price auctions. The minimum amount of investment in T-bills has been reduced from $1000 to $100 and the maximum purchase amount is $5 million. Bonds Bond can be defined as the financial instrument through an institution borrows money from different investor for definite period of time with a fixed interest rate. It can be used by corporate, municipalities and government organisations to fund new projects and for further expansion. Interest rate is also known as coupon rate and interest on bonds can be paid semi annually (every six months) and on the date of maturity principal amount of the bond will be paid to the investor with coupon rate. Bond market is also called as a debt market or credit market which is a financial market where n ew bonds can be issued and trading on existing bonds can be done. It is a long term financial market which includes corporate bonds, notes, bills; US treasury bonds.US bond market is about 44% of global bond market. According to SIFMA (Securities Industry and Financial Market Association) current US bonds market increased from March 2012 to 2013 by 2% to nearly $100 trillion. Currently the yields of US treasuries are varying from 0.05% to 3.89% for 3 months treasuries to 30 year treasuries (Fabozzi, 2007, p.261). Stocks The stock or capital stock of an incorporated business constitutes the equity stake of its owners. It represents the residual assets of company which is due to stockholders after discharging secured and unsecured debt. The stockholder’s equity cannot be withdrawn from company as it is detrimental to creditors of company. The stock of a corporation is partitioned into shares. Additional shares can be authorized by existing shareholders and issued by company. Sh ares represent a fraction of ownership in business. This ownership of share is documented by issue of stock certificate which a legal document is specifying the amount of share owned by shareholder. Stock in the form of shares can be preferred stock or common stock. Preferred stock differs from common stock in the way that it does not carry voting rights. It is entitled to a certain level of dividend payment

Monday, September 23, 2019

Being A Leader Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Being A Leader - Assignment Example The most important aspect of leadership in education, in my opinion, is to make sure that those employees that are supervised are comfortable with the leadership style and area able to work within it. My Approach to Leadership I believe that my approach to leadership comes closest to participatory because I want employees to have a say in the decision making process as well as to have an interest in what we are doing. In primary school as in any other aspect of education, teachers must have a way to express themselves and to make sure that they are doing what is necessary to help students progress in their studies. I enjoy having teams at work that can come together to share knowledge as well as to design activities so that we are all doing similar things in the classroom. Although we have guidelines that we must meet, we can still help students have fun with the curriculum and we can teach in a way that encourages inclusion rather than exclusion. Kahai, Sosik and Avolio (2006) sugge st that participative leaders are able to steer their employees towards positive growth and to strive for solving problems instead of creating more problems. Employees understand that they are part of the solution and feel they do not have to carry out the problem on their own. When employees know that they are supported in their opinions, whether they are positive or negative, they are more open to finding solutions, because they are able to have their opinions heard. Kahai, Sosick and Avolio also state that the organizational climate will be more positive because problem solving methods allow a basis for employees to feel that their â€Å"higher order needs† are met (p. 126) and they will meet the requirements of the task because they feel valued. The Organization’s Values James and Connelly (2009) suggest that an organization’s culture is difficult to describe and to predict. They state that an organization’s culture will consist of a variety of  "beliefs, symbols, values and assumptions† (391) and it will be dependent on what the individual organization believes is important to run the organization. In a primary school, the organizational climate is as good as the principle that sets the stage for what is needed in their school. In the public school where I work, the organizational climate is one of very positive reinforcement from the principal. The principal sets the leadership for the school and our principal encourages staff to come to them with problems and with other ideas for the school. As a leader within that structure, it is up to me to make sure that I keep in mind what the principal wants and to assist the teachers that I work with in my team to do what is required of us as a team. I believe that my school has strong values and that we put the needs of the students first. I see that there are a variety of ethical considerations that many people within the school have that are important to discuss. Many of the initiatives that our school has come from the National Challenge. This challenge states that by this year, 2011, at least 30% of children should be able to â€Å"gain five or more GCSEs A*-C, including both English and mathematics† (Storey, 2011). In order for students to do this, they must have effective leadership in the classroom as well as in the school. The primary school will begin the focus of the national challenge because students must have the skills they need by the time the move to secondary school.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Criminal profiling and the types of crime Essay Example for Free

Criminal profiling and the types of crime Essay Crime Murder is the unlawful taking of human life It is a behavioral act that terminates life in the context of power, personal gain, brutality, and sometimes sexuality. Murder is a subcategory of homicide, which also includes lawful taking of human life, such as, manslaughter, deaths resulting from criminal and non- criminal negligence, and unpremeditated vehicular deaths (Megargee, 1982) With murder there are murders who sometimes go on for months without being caught for the murders they have done. But eventually, the murder catches on to them through the behavior of the murder. Behavior reflects the personality, everything observed at a crime scene tells a story and reflects something about the unknown subject who committed the crime. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Modus operandi and victimology are very important factors in an investigation. These terms could link a murder to different scenes of crime that they committed that they are not yet charged with.   Modus operandi is the method of procedure or a method of operation that suggests the work of one crime to other crimes. Victimology is the study of victims of crime. The offender often leaves signatures (something repeated at each crime, like slashes in the throat and a bullet between the eyes) which can point a profiler at the offenders personality. Criminal Profiling Do you ever wonder what criminal profilers do? Criminal filer is a job that is different from other jobs people have. â€Å"Criminal profiling is defined and described as a technique whereby the probable characteristics of a criminal offender or offenders are predicted based on the behaviors exhibited in the commission of a crime.† (Kocsis 2006, p. 1) Due to a various amount of crime shows and social media criminal profiling meaning is often misinterpreted and the job is mixed up. Criminal profiler often examines the work a murder does and figures out their personality through crime. There are many different kinds of murderers and types of murders ranging from mass homicide, rape, computer crimes, etc. Homicide. Homicide can be classified by the number of victims, style, and type of homicide. One person is defined as a signal homicide, two victims killed in the same location around the same time is a double homicide and lastly, a triple homicide is three victims killed in the same location around the same time. Unlike homicide mass murders have â€Å"two subcategories of mass murder: classic mass murder and family mass murder. A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   classic mass murder involves one person operating in one location at one period of time,   Ã‚   which could be minutes or hours or even daysThe second type of mass murder is family mass murder. If four or more family members are killed and the perpetrator takes his own life, it is classified as a mass murder-suicide. Without the suicide and with four or more victims, the murder is classified as a family mass murder.† (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1988) Usually, someone that commits a mass murder is a mentally il l individual whos problems have increased to the point where they act to groups of people who are unrelated to the problems. A Spree murder is a single event with more than one location and no cooling off to think before another murder.   A Serial murder is three or more events in three or more separate locations with a cooling off time. Gang motivated murder is the murder of a group of three or more that sometimes ends in homicide. Arson and Bombing.   Arson is the crime of fire with the intent of harming someone or something. Arson is very hard to investigate due to all the debris, collapsed buildings, and ashes. But when investigating a fire scene you are to find where the fire originated from or started. If the fire does not seem to look like an accident it is a person. Crime scene investigators usually note from arsons that organized arsonist have electronic timing mechanisms, less evidence they were there, and have items to start fires with them. While disorganized crime has the materials with them on hand like cigarettes or lighter fluid, and they leave physical evidence. Aerial bombing is when one attacks a public place where there are to be a lot of people. Rape and Sexual Assault. Rape and sexual assault include criminal offenses in which victims are forced or coerced to participate in sexual activity. Physical violence may or may not be involved. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Usually victims of rate are put into different categories depending on how old you are. Adults; at least eighteen years old and have the exception for mentally ill, brain impaired, or psychotic, adolescents; thirteen to seventeen years old who have reached puberty, children; twelve year of younger, lastly elders who are sixty or older. When someone reports a rape case the investigators are to see if it was a situational or preferential sexual motives. Examples of both situational and preferential sexual motives are described below: Situationally motivated sexual assaults are those committed to fulfill sexual and other   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   needs without the elements of the offense being necessary for arousal or gratification (such as raping a woman because she is available and vulnerable). Preferentially motivated sexual assaults are those committed to fulfill sexual and other needs with some elements of the offense being necessary for arousal or gratification (for example, raping a woman because the offender cannot feel aroused or gratified without an unwilling partner). (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Sexual rituals are patterns of behavior or rituals that are hard for the rapist to change. Both preferential and situational sex offenders may have an MO, but the preferential offender is more likely to have a sexual ritual. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Nonlethal crimes. There are criminal acts that begin as, and sometimes remain, nonlethal crimes. In some of the crimes, such as burglary, threats, and stalking, there may be no physical contact, and the victim is not physically injured. But the victim may fear for their life or the life of loved ones, so it is suggested you report these crimes to police. Communication threats are to cause harm by a threat, terrorist threats are a good example of a communication threat. Direct threats are aimed at a certain person while indirect threats are told in a vague manner. There are also written, letter, and symbolic threats to where something is sent to you or placed on a desk or inside a mailbox. We often hear physical threats a lot, our parents may threaten us by telling us they will take our phones if we do not do good on the test. Stalking is often another form of nonlethal crime, stalking is a form of following. Robbery is taking something that is not there, The element of force differentiates robbery from embezzlement, larceny, and other types of theft. Armed robbery involves the use of a weapon. High- way robbery takes place outside and in a public place. Carjacking is the act of stealing a car from a victim, usually at gunpoint. Bank robbery is the robbing of banks and financial institutions. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Computer and cybercrime. Not all crimes are going to be involved in person or through a threat some crimes are involved with cyber and computers. Computer crimes are when someone hacks into a computer system and puts malware that messes up and destroys the computers walls so that the person can take over the computer or destroy it. Virus are a good start to this computer crimes, virus are embedded in emails or music that we download illegally that damages the software or hardware on the computer. A worm is a code that damages computer files or slows the computer down, which comes from other programs like emails.   Trojan horses are programs placed on a computer to send and take information and send it to computer user who used the trojan. Cyberstalking is a use of following a target through social media which is typically like stalking. Money laundering is a crime used to make illegal funds appear to be legal. (Ressler, Burgess, Douglas, 1988) Bank Fraud is when money is illegally obtained from on bank account and put into a different bank account. Cybercrime is costing the world $110 billion every year. But according to McAfee Inc. the cost is actually approximately $1 trillion. With all this money being spend on cyber crimes we could be finding new way on how to get rid of cancer or to help stop global warming. Conclusion Crimes come in all different shapes and sizes. Not all crimes need to be homicide or murder they simply can be someone taking over your computer with a virus. Being aware of all these different kinds of crime come in handy. Just remember when committing a crime Modus operandi and victimology are important factors in an investigation and if they don’t find you now they will find you in the future. References Burgess, A., Burgess, A., Ressler, R. (1992). Crime Classification Manuel (Second ed.) (J. Douglas, Ed.). Jossey Bass A Wiley Imprint. Geberth, V.J. (1983). Practical homicide investigation: Tactics, procedures, and forensic techniques. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. Hyman, P. (2013). Cybercrime: Its Serious, But Exactly How Serious?. Communications Of The ACM, 56(3), 18-20. doi:10.1145/2428556.2428563 Kocsis, R. N. (2006). Criminal profiling. [electronic resource]: principles and practice. Totowa, N.J. : Humana Press, c2006. Pinizzotto, A. J., Finkel, N. J. (1990). Criminal personality profiling: An outcome and process study. Law And Human Behavior, 14(3), 215-233. doi:10.1007/BF01352750

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Successfully Raise A Defence Of Necessity

Successfully Raise A Defence Of Necessity Necessity and Private Defence are closely linked therefore; many of the requirements of private defence are also requirements for necessity. The difference between these two grounds of justification is that private defence stems from and is directed at, an unlawful human attack while in necessity a person finds him/herself in a situation in which he/she must between two evils: either suffer personal harm or break the law. The act of defence in private defence is always directed at an unlawful human attack whereas; in cases of necessity it is directed at either the interests of another innocent party or a mere legal provision. (Snyman, 2008, p. 115) Necessity There must be an urgent and immediate threat to life which creates a situation in which the defendant reasonably believes that a fair response to that threat is to break the law. This reflects the distinction between the defenses of necessity and duress in that the former is pressure of circumstances arising naturally, whereas the latter is a threat from an entirely human agency that overpowers the will of the defendant. The subjective frame of mind of the person who is relying on necessity the courts will not consider this but rather whether the act of necessity was in accordance with the legal conviction of society. The courts will also weight the option of whether a reasonable would have acted in the same way as a person that claims to have acted in necessity. They are using the concept of the reasonable person to practically embody the legal convictions of society and not to determining negligence. (Joubert, 2001, p. 61) REQUIREMENTS TO SUCCESSFULLY RAISE A DEFENCE OF NECESSITY The author will no discuss five (5) requirements that must be met in order for a person to successfully raise a defence of necessity: A legal interest must be endangered The danger must have begun or be imminent The defensive act must be necessary to avert the danger The defensive act must be reasonable The endangered person must know he/she is acting in necessity A legal interest must be endangered The purpose of the specific conduct must be clearly to protect a legal interest. Although the law recognizes many interests the most obvious are a persons life, limb, personal safety and integrity. A person may act in a situation of necessity to protect property but cannot relay on necessity to protect his/her job. If a person is not able to perform his job without breaking the law he must find another way to earn a living. For example a person cannot operate an illegal shebeen and claim it is to sustain his family when apprehended. The person must rather apply legally for a shebeens license. A person may also act in necessity in defence of some else. (S v Pretorius, 1975) The danger must have begun or be imminent When danger has already passed or will possibly occur in the distant feature a person cannot rely on necessity. Therefore, the danger must already have begun or the situation must be immediately threatening. In the trail Regina v. Dudley Stephens four stranded sailors were adrift in a small boat without supplies. The three strongest decided to eat the fourth, a seventeen (17) year old cabin boy to save themselves. There was some degree of necessity arising from the threat of starvation, even though the cabin boy would almost certainly have died of natural causes the sailors killed the boy intentionally and the court ruled that cannibalizing the boy was not urgently necessary and found them guilty of murder. (Regina v. Dudley Stephens, 1884) The defensive act must be necessary to avert the danger When a person relies on necessity the action taken should have to avert the danger. When there is less drastic measure to avert the danger a person a person should take this option. If it was not taken a person cannot rely on necessity. For instance when a man are awake by a noise in the middle of the night and found a person at his fridge busy eating food and killed the person by shooting him he thus cannot relay on necessity. If there is a possibility that a person can flee from the immediate or imminent danger he should do so. (S v Pretorius, 1975). The danger does not take the form of an unlawful attack and removing oneself from the danger in most cases of necessity. The defensive act must be reasonable A person must act reasonable if he wants to rely on necessity as ground of justification. The interest that is being protected must not be disproportionate of the defence act. Not more harm than is necessary to avert the attack must be inflicted by the person who wants to rely on necessity. According to Snyman this proportionality requirement is sometimes explained by requiring that the protected interest should be of greater value than the interest that is infringed upon. (Snyman, 2008, p. 119). The protected and infringed interests are a totally different nature, but if the infringed interest is a legal provision only, the defence of necessity would most probably succeed. For example a correctional exceeding the speed limit because he is rushing to the Prison where inmates are in the process of escaping, he will most probably be allowed to justify his actions by relying on necessity as a defence, since he infringed a legal provision only. The endangered person must know he/she is acting in necessity If a person is conscious of the fact that an emergency exists and knowingly acted in necessity than he can rely on necessity as a defence. A person cannot thus rely on necessity as a ground of justification if he throws a brick through a window in an attempt to break into a house but his action saves the occupants lives who are sleeping in a room filled with poisonous gas. PRIVATE DEFENCE The onus is on the state to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused action cannot be justified, if private defence is raised as a ground of justification. Private defence involves a person who takes the law into his own hands. Therefore, it is a drastic measure that should not be used for corrective purposes. Snyman alleged that this ground of justification has no history, but exist from the beginning of time. (Snyman, 2008, p. 103). Every person has a right to defend himself against an unlawful attack a right that is recognised in section 51 of the Charter of the United Nations. The two theories for the existence of private defence are protection theory, which emphasises each persons right to defend oneself or another against an unlawful attack whereas in upholding-of justice theory is where people acting in private defence perform acts assist in upholding the legal order. (Snyman, Criminal Law, 2004, p. 178). It is the primary duty of the state to protect the life and property of individuals but no state no matter how big its recourses can afford it. Therefore, this right has been given by the state to every citizen to take the law into his own hands for their safety. REQUIREMENTS TO SUCCESSFULLY RELIANCE ON PRIVATE DEFENCE The requirements of private defence can be divided into two groups for the purpose of classification namely: the requirements with which the attack must comply and the requirements with which the defence must comply. Requirements of the attack It must be unlawful A legal interest deserves protection. It must be imminent, but not yet completed The attack must be unlawful When the attack on a person is unlawful only than can a defender rely on private defence. A suspect who was lawfully arrested by a police official cannot rely on private defence in resisting the arrest. On the other hand, when a police official exceeds his powers by arresting a person he is not allowed to arrest the person may resist and can rely on private defence to justify his resistance. A legal interest deserves protection. Normally a person acts in private defence to protect his life, limb, bodily integrity and property. These are not the only interest worth of protection as the courts also recognized a persons right to defend personal freedom, sexual integrity, self-respect and chastity. To protect the interest of other persons is also an act of private defence but than the third party should want the defender to act on his behalf. However, the defender will not be able to rely on private defence if the victim does not want the help of the defender. (Joubert, 2001, p. 52) The attack must be imminent, but not yet completed If it is clear that an attack is about to happen than a person can rely on private defence. The defender doesnt have to wait for the attacker to attack first if the attack is imminent he can avert the attack by defending himself before the attack actually arise. But if the attack have been already completed the defender no longer defend him but get even. In the case of S v Moghlwane it was find that if the attack formed part of one and the same immediate and continued act of resistance, the defender can rely on private defence even if he left the scene temporarily. (S v Mogohlwane, 1982) The defence requirements Before private defence can succeed the defensive action have to comply with certain standards. The defence must be directed at the attacker It must be necessary It must be reasonable The defence must be directed at the attacker When the defence is directed at anyone else than private defence as a ground of justification will not succeed therefore, it may only be directed at the attacker. (Snyman, Criminal Law, 2004) The defence must be necessary If there is another way that the attack can be averted in a less serious way than that option should be used. The law must not be taken into their own hands if the defender can rely on another remedy. Therefore, the defence should be absolutely necessary in order to protect the interest threatened. The question arises than should a person rather flee an attack than resort to private defence? But than once there is a duty to flee it will imply that justice will have to give up to injustice. Therefore, it is not expected of a police official on duty to flee if he is being attacked while lawfully performing his duties. The defence must be reasonable There should be a balance between the attack and the defence. The defence act may not be more harmful than necessary to ward of the attack. Therefore, it would be unreasonable to kill a person who attempts to steal bread. Proportionality also plays a very important role in determining whether the defence was reasonable or not. The proportionality requirement will be met if the defence act is reasonably proportionate to the attack. The right of private defence is a good weapon in the hand of citizens to defend themselves but it is not revenge rather towards the threat and imminent danger of an attack. The courts find it difficult whether this right had been exercised in good faith or not. Conclusion It can be said that the confusion arise between Necessity and private defence are that they are closely related to each other. The difference are than is that private defence is an act of defence directed at an unlawful human attack while necessity is directed at either the interests of another innocent party or a simple legal provision.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Tamil Nadu Tourism Essay

Tamil Nadu Tourism Essay Welcome to Incredible Tamil Nadu Tourism Tamil Nadu is one of the state of India, Its capital is Chennai is the main centre where the traditional and modern merge,.Tamil Nadu population of 72,138.95as of 2011 .Divided into 32 districts in Tamil Nadu. State 89 % of population are Hindus .11% population together Christians and Muslims. Tamil Nadu official languages Tamil and English. Tamil Nadu culture and tradition together which attracts tourists from the whole world. Tamil Nadu known as the temple state of India, and all across this magnificent state one will find a remarkable memorials, temples containing involved carvings and humbling gateways. It is characterized by a history ,dates back to over five thousands years and a rich culture. Each attraction most important will have a religious or creative story attached to it will leave one spellbound Tamil Nadu Tourism revives the mind ,carry happiness, moderation , enjoyment gives to the Tourist. Tamil Nadu is taking a lot of opportunity for the development of tourism industry. It has many heritage centers, pilgrimage centers, long natural coastal line, perennial river system, hills station pilgrimage centers, and weather owing to lack of so many factors like infrastructure facilities, government cooperation, marketing facilities to mobile number to tourists within the India and abroad, proper planning and ideology Tamil Nadu state that attracts a huge number of foreign tourists every year. Tamil Nadu State with several famous for tourism genre The credit should be given to the presence of unlimited attractions that include beautiful temples, mesmerizing hill stations, silent beaches and cities with rich heritage. The credit should also be given to the high standards of the facilities that the top tour operators in the state arrange for the visitors. claims to be a leading name in offering customized tours to the foreigners, expecting a lot from the states tourism industry. INTRODUCTION; Tamil Nadu Tourism one of the preferred hotspots for persons wanting a continuing heritage, cultural and beautiful splendour .religious experience.Tamil Nadu is breath taking hill stations and long sunshiny beaches ,provides to people who visit not only to marinate in the culture but people who want to relax and just let go for a while. Tamil Nadu coastline 910 kilometers (600 Mt) long, Tamil Nadu third longest coastline in the country .Foriegn visitors were The government of Tamil Nadu is now making peaceful promotional efforts and accord importance for tourism. Tamil Nadu to promote as an attractive destination of tourist at the International level to support the existing tourism in the state. Tamil Nadu state provide world class services to tourist. Tamil Nadu 2nd state in attracting foreign tourists and 3rd in domestic tourists. .Tamil Nadu Tourism should be become an exclusive offerings to overcome all the above advantages for development. Tamil Nadu is popular for its mysteriou s beauty and charms ,It will surely capture your gentleness a lot. Foreign and Domestric travellers can easily determine a number of comfortable stay in boarding places in the Tamil Nadu, tourist stay,seven star hotels, five star hotels,three star hotels ,budget hotels and resorts. According tourist preferred to stay in accomdation of the Tamil Nadu state. Tourist can look for magnificent lodgings in Chennai, Ooty Coimbatore, Karaikudi, Trichy, Kanyakumari, Madurai, Tanjore, Dindigul ,Rameshwaram,Kodaikanal and yercaud, Natural resources tradition and further socio-cultural assets numerical demographic dynamics like employment, population, income,occupation levels. Tamil Nadu state sixteen tourist information centres situated at airports and railway stations in the state information on tourism potential and services in Tamil Nadu Tourism Tamil Nadu Tourism leads in Medical Tourism. Eco- Tourism. Rural Tourism, Pilgrimage Tourism Heritage Tourism Cultural Tourism Adventure Tourism Responsible Tourism TOURIST ATTRACTIONS AND HISTORICAL PLACES IN TAMILNADU HILL STATIONS AND BOTANICAL GARDEN; Ooty Ooty is famous as the queen of the hill stations and contains of attractive varieties, of the local economy is now controlled by tourism Kodaikanal Kodaikanal is one of the finest beautiful hill stations in Tamil Nadu.Its located about 7,200 feet above the sea level. Kodaikanal is honey moon destination of several tourist Thalaiyar Falls, as rat-tail falls is unique of the highest (975à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ² high)  falls .The falls seen although roaming from Ghat road to  Kodaikkanal by road. Yercaud An modest hill station, 30 km distance from Salem . Yercaud. isSettled mid the Shevaroy Hills of the Eastern Ghats, some of the places be visited are the Lake, Ladys Seat, Arthurs Seat, and the Shevaroyan temple. Tourists do make a point to pick coffee aswell as pears ,bananas and jackfruit Yercaud Lake is centrally situated and is the middle of attraction YelagiriKolli Hills Yelagiri is a popular hill station characterized by its scenic view Sirumalai Hills Valparai Top Slip Kalrayan Hills Pachamalai Hills Javvadhu Hills BEACHES; Marina Beach : Marina beach is a second largest beach in the world ,Its located in chennai  marina beach is a most tourist charm of the city Kannyakumari Beach Arabian Sea ,Bengal and the Indian Ocean the most exciting residences to go in Kanyakumari,and famous for Vivekanandar rock, Thiruvalluvar statue Eliots Beach Sottavalai beach Mudaliarkuppam Beach Sangutuarrai beach WATER FALLS Hogennakkal Falls Courtallam Falls Thirparappu Falls Papanasam Falls Akasa Gangai Falls FAMOUS TEMPLES AND DECLARED MONUMENTS Chola Temples (Thanjavur) Siva Temple (Gangaikonda cholapuram) Iravatheeswarar Temple (Dharasuram) Monuments(Mamallapuram) NavaTirupathi temples Navagraha Temples Six Residences of Lord Murugan Temples Located at: Kancheepuram The traditional and modern merge. Kanchipuram is famous tourist Place and is also well known for its silk sarees. Rameswaram Chidambaram Thanjavur Madurai Srirangam Thiruvannamalai Kanyakumari CHURCHES: Santhome Velankanni Manappad Ponnimadha Pannimaya Madha Church MOSQUES: Thousand Light Mosque(chennai) Nagore Durgha Thengaipattinam Keelakkarai Erwadi Kalyalpattinam PALACES: Thirumalai Naicker mahal Thanjavur Palace Chettinad palace Padmanabhapuram palace BIRD SANCTUARIES: Vedanthangal Karikilli Koonthakulam Karaivetti Pulicat Udhyamarthandapuram Vaduvoor Chittirankudi Pichavaram Mangrove Coast Vettangudi Vellode WILDLIFE SANCTUARIES: Mudumalai ; Madumalai is a famous for its wild life sanctuary Mundathurai Berijam Kalakkad Kodaikarai NATIONAL PARKS: Anaimalai Indira Gandhi National Park Gulf of Mannar Maraine National Park Guindy National Park LIST OF TOURIST ATTRACT DAM IN TAMIL NADU Tamil Nadu to satisfy there are many small and large man-made. dams Amaravathi Dam Mettur Dam Krishnagiri Dam Noyyal Oarathuppalayam Mukkadal Grand Anicut Bhavanisagar Dam Vaigai Dam Upper Anaicut Varattu Pallam Vaigai Dam Kamaraj Sagar Perunchani Dam Perumpallam Shanmuganathi Dam Solaiyar Dam Sathanur Reservoir Above all tourist destinations in the air reached from Ooty, the nearest airport, from Coimbatore, 100 km .Coimbatore is well attached to, Bangalore, Mumbai, Madurai and Chennai.. Ooty well attached by road to many cities. regular bus services attaching Ooty to Tiruchirapally, Coimbatore, Chennai ,Madurai, Mysore, Bangalore, Kanyakumari, Calicut, Ooty attached to Mettupalayam to toy train organisation on the narrow tracks PESTLE ANALYSIS OF TAMIL NADU TOURISM: PESTLE Analysis are Political.Economic,social,Technology,Legal and Environment (P)olitical Consequence on Tourism Industry: One of the earliest Political parties was south Indian Welfare Association founded in 1916. In 1960 made DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHALAGAM standard more powerful political force in the state, In 1967 election DMK captured of state government,split from DMK in 1972 ALL INDIA ANNA DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHALAGAM was founded , since 1967 this two political parties has power in the Tamil Nadu state . IN 2011 election ALL INDIA ANNA DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHALAGAM head selvi J.Jayalalitha took control of the Tamil Nadu state .Governments announced several projects in tourism Industry leaders say much can be done to rebuild tourism reputations. although Tamil Nadu state .has often political violence, The Government targete travelers and foreigners and domestic touristBut with the right government and industry reactions, visitors people, most of them foreigners. ow a days one of the worlds most famous destination Tamil NaduTourism, more visitors.from foreign investors and hotel operators.opportunities fo r tourism, The Tamil Nadu minister for Tourism, That was prepared successfully by the Tamil Nadu themselves, said.Industry analysis say tourism to expand promptly over the future twenty five years. But, the key, they say, is that Tamil Nadu governments find ways to prevent political violence, and action quickly to composed (E)conomic Consequence on Tourism industry: Tamil Nadu 2nd largest Tourism economy, one of the most advanced states in India .Its worth of economic effort, the GSDP, stands at INR 4.28 lakhs crore, as of 2012 Tamil Nadu a. An investor sociable state with the government expressing policies for the development of the Tourism activities .Tamil Nadu will continue to stay in the top stage of the country, with an annual growth .Tamil Nadu Tourism With medical care in Vellore Chennai, Madurai and Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Government undertaking tagline adopted to promoting tourism ,has a strong banking system huge potential for tourist economic ,basically best Industrialized state ,Urbanized state and Tourism state in India (S)ocial Consequence on Tourism industry: In Tamil Nadu there are more cultural sharing by tourist visitors ,tradition a common locality by its manner of behaviour and speech, the style of dress and embellishment, the food behaviours and the social arrangement of life Tourist,people important contribution to sociality Tamil Nadu will reach a high standard of sociality development, with the Human Development of the state equivalent those of established countries (T)echnology Consequence on Tourism industry: Tamil Nadu 2nd largest software technologyexporter in Indiais central to Tamil Nadus foreign position and accounts for over Tamil Nadu is well placed to adventure its force in the IT sector to these management systems. Tamil Nadu has a moderately advanced technology,TamilNadu Infrastructure that is accomplished of searching, storage and supervision information. (L)egal Consequence on Tourism industry: Legal of Tamil Nadu provides several simulations The application for respect shall be the recognition as an permitted Travel Agent shall be decided by the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India, for five years, based on the Inspection Report Approvals of a Committee comprising of the Travel Agency should be under the charge of the Owner a full time member is sufficiently trained, proficient in matters ,concerning ticketing, , transport, accommodation currency,facilities, customs tourism, regulations and travel services. effective ,statement skills, knowledge of overseas languages, other than English. (E)nvironment Consequence on Tourism industry: Environment is gradually gaining standing eco-friendly journey tours are also gaining in Tamil Nadu Tourismseveral perfect locations to attract the tourist. The Eco Friendly areas of Tamil Nadu are for sightseeing the Environment at its finest and to be a measure of it. Tamil Nadu tourism Introduce the use of recycled paper ,polythene bags to possible Tamil Nadu alternatives encourage the planting of trees and greening of the local environment of tourism industry TAMIL NADU FUTURE TOURISM ; THREE RANGE OF YEARS IN Vision 2022 Vision 2030 Vision 2037 VisionTamil Nadu Tourism 2022 Tamil Nadu Tourism sets the plan for organisation development for the state to reach the preferred outcomes by 2022. Capital income of Tamil Nadus people will reach US   $10,000 per annum Income countries, Tamil Nadu Tourism provide to its people, high quality infrastructure arrangement overall state comparable with the finest in the world.Important to reaching Vision 2022 is classifying the organisation requirements.Tamil Nadu Tourism plans to develop the vital facilities. This Vision 2022document statements the inter-play in the middle of 3 crucial constituents of development, specifically should be the long term growth goals of Tamil Nadu Anything are the inputs required in terms of infrastructure, investments policies be the targeted amount produced mix in terms of financial income, sectoral structure and pace of development should the benefits be spread in people balance between growth and environmentVision 2022 include tourism industry enhanced economic enthusiasm, fines t in class human development indicators, a well established organisation Tamil NaduTourism will be amongst Indias maximum economically successful states by 2022, achieving the growth countries worldwide. Tamil Nadu will show a highly complete growth pattern it will mostly be a deficiency free state with occasions for gainful and productive occupation for disadvantaged, Tamil Nadutourism will be Indias most important state in social growth and will have the peak Human Development . Tamil Nadu Tourism development will improveWater Sanitation, Dynamism, Transportation, Connectivity, Irrigation Education and Healthcare. Tamil Nadu Tourism will be one of the top favourite investment destinations in Asia and the best preferred in India repute for good organization and competitiveness.Tamil Nadu Tourism will be known as the modernisation hub on the asset of world class organisations in various grounds and the best human ability.Tamil Nadu Tourism will safety zone ,Peace, Security and Fortune for all citizens and trade, supporting free movement of ideas, people , business and rest of the world VisionTamil Nadu Tourism 2030: Tamil Nadu Tourism development plan Vision 2030 has suggested to establish nearby villages for the development of the area.The vision document evaluated that about Rs 18,940 crore needed to be invested for the development of the areas for high tech tourism spots . The Tamil Nadu Tourism Department would invest the improve Government accomodation,star hotels, resorts and budget class hotels. More Foreign visitors to attract will open new parks ,bullet rail and moreInternational Airport in the state.The particulars finding in several levels of tourism Tamil Nadu will reservation and care for it Eco Tourism and Heritage Tourism Tamil Nadu Tourism Industry will actively address the sources of liability of the state ,its people owing to reservations arising from accepted causes, profitable recessions, and extra man-made motives and mitigate the effects.Vision 2030 Tamil Nadu Tourism will develop culture of responsive the see-through ability the security, and equivalent chance to all stake holders. Vision Tamil Nadu Tourism 2037 : Vision 2037 document, prepared by specialists on behalf Tamil Nadu government, has underlined that the natural resources state can be transformed future investment on creative economy.The vision 2037 future document, which is a highway map for future development, Tamil Nadu Tourism administration is preparing vision 2037 document for raise of tourism, keeping vision 2037 in mind. Is prepared by a board headed by tourist can revenue full value of creative economy. Infrastructure for Tamil Nadu tourism includes growth of resorts, hotels ,theme parks and entertaining hitech mallsimprovements to heritage monuments, development of places of tourist interest and the Tamil Nadu state targets a foreign tourist of 30 million by vision 2037. The estimated total investment in various projects amounts to Rs. 30,000 crore. SUSTAINABILITY IN TAMIL NADU TOURISM The Tamil Nadu Tourism Department is focusing on growth of sustainable tourism and in coming days all plans will be in sustainable Tourism model, The sustainable development method involves that the natural, cultural and other resources of Tamil Nadu Tourism All tourism simulations in coming days will be based on eco-tourism ,heritage tourism pilgrimage tourism, educational tourism model in Tamil Nadu Tourism.At present Tourism is one of the huge Industries in Tamil Nadu which are receiving more foreign tourists, every year. The Tamil Nadu Tourism Department, also the role of local media saying that local media is very active Tamil Nadu Tourism in and have been importance many local issues on systematic basis. This approach is really significant because utmost tourism development depends on charms and activities related to the natural location, important heritage and cultural patterns of areas Its heartening to see that in a like Tamil Nadu Tourism compared to several states, activit ies and participation of local media is very very high,TamilNadu is sustainability place in tourist attractions its contain towering temples pristine beaches, , , churches, mosques, scenario mountains wildlife. Other important fact of sustainable improvement relate to stress on pilgrimage-based tourism and quality tourism. This method to tourism focuses on forecasting and development process The Art, culture and planning represents all attractions. The Tamil Nadu Tourism cultural tradition invites foreign tourists. TamilNadu tops in foreign tourist visit in Medical Tourism and natural resources experience the enchanting TamilNadu present sustainability position involves related to the airlines, cruise and responsible Tourism Industry.Sustainable tourism generate benefits besides provided that tourist attractions, services and Facilities for`good value for money tourism resources and Charm the varieties of tourists. It is important to appreciate that sustainability and the movements required are part of a package with amongst the tourist Tamil Nadu Tourism is an motivated and statement that aims to Tamil Nadu to achieve likely along compound scopes of economic success, fullness, social progress, cultural plurality, and environmental sustainability. It dimensions on the strengths of Tamil Nadu sustainability due to natural the hard work of her citizens, and the results of governance. The focus of this document is on the physical, social and institutional infrastructure that needs to be established in Tamil Nadu if the growth rates in several sectors under to be achieved Taken in part or realized piecemeal, they are not probable to succeed. The goals set are achievable but call for a stretch by all investors the Tamil Nadu State government .

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

There has been much discussion about the welfare of animals ever since zoos were created. There are many people who support the fact that animals should be kept in zoos. It benefits the animals greatly, because in zoos, the animals have every need catered for. However, in some zoos, animals are ill-treated by their zoo keepers. Sometimes, they even deprive a natural habitat that zoos attempt but fail to re-create after the wild. Consequently, they develop physiological problems. Some zoos are no better than prison cells that cage up animals, causing these creatures to become greatly distressed. Because it is against Mother Nature, animals should not continue to be kept in zoos. For decades, animals have been kept in zoos and have received poor conditioned shelter and treatment. Since the 1970s, situation has gotten worse and the voice of animal activists spread. What I know about zoos is that they aren't really for the animals, but more for business, so we should ban keeping of animals in zoos. Animals should not be kept in zoos because it is against nature. First, zoos are artificial environments for wild animals. These creatures are unable to live freely and healthily according to their natural instincts after being locked up in cages. Big cats can no longer roam around the savannah and hunt for animals. Primates living in rainforests are not able to climb trees and gather fruit high up in the forest canopy. In this lonely and solitude environment, animals can easily slip into depression, and consequently, early death. Thus, there is a shorter life expectancy in animals that live in zoos. Another problem is that they have a limited choice when it co mes to habitat and the choosing of mates It has b... ...s not acceptable for animals to be kept in zoos. Think about it this way. For human, it's just like being in prison even though we didn't do anything wrong. Students, they go to school and stay there for 7 hours. They hate it even though they can do something productive like studying Animals, they are trapped all day and they don't even have free time. In conclusion, wild animals should not be kept in zoos as these creatures have their own rights. They were captured by man, and most of them compelled to live in terrible conditions, killing them physically and mentally. Neither should they be held captive by us human, whether it benefits them or not. Animals were never meant to exist for our amusement. They are a part of nature. Therefore, it is extremely important that the message spreads, that animals have rights, just like humans, and we have to respect that.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Death of a Moth Essay -- Literary Analysis, Virginia Woolf

What started out as an ordinary day turned out to be one if the worst tragedies in the history of Bangladesh – the fire at Nimtoli in Dhaka. I sat in shock as I saw the news reports of the tragic incident showing numerous buildings on fire burning mercilessly, people running in havoc with no idea where loved ones are and yet others trapped inside the buildings, screaming, being burned alive. However, nothing seemed to have any effect on the ruthless fire which kept on burning, claiming as many lives as it could, turning a deaf ear to the desperate cries of hundreds of people. The blazing flames simply devoured everything in their path, burning them to ash. It finally subsided in the early hours of dawn, but the damage it left behind was monumental – piles of debris and dead bodies scattered in buildings which were burned charcoal black. As the police and firemen recovered countless bodies from the ruins, I wondered about the strange nature of life and death. In her essay, â€Å"The Death of a Moth†, Virginia Woolf contemplates how life and death are separated by a single thread of â€Å"energy† and how eventually the force of death snaps the thread, overpowering life and proving its superior strength (385). Woolf reflects how life and death are two mutually exclusive forces of nature, yet they are intertwined by the law of nature itself. In the essay, Woolf observes a moth, an â€Å"insignificant creature† at his attempts to â€Å"[enjoy] his meager opportunities† of a particularly vibrant morning bustling with life, energy and activity (385). However the moth is soon faced with a force which Woolf deems to be far superior to life’s energy. It is a force â€Å"which would, had it chosen, have submerged an entire city, not merely a city, but masses of hu... .... They are also echoed by humans in an attempt to delay death. However, as Woolf claims, death indeed is the ultimate destination of all living things. It is how we reach that destination that matters the most. All rational living creatures â€Å"diverge ever more widely from [their] original course of life and to make ever more complicated detours before reaching [their] final aim of death† (Freud 32). Robert Frost in his poem â€Å"Nothing Gold Can Stay† writes: â€Å"Nature’s first green is gold, Her hardest hue to hold.† The fact that life is a â€Å"hue† that we want to hold questions Woolf’s supposed claims; if death is indeed the stronger force of nature and life the weaker, then why do all living beings choose the weaker force? Perhaps there is a force stronger than the force of life and death, one that governs life and death, and that I believe is the force of nature.