Friday, November 29, 2019

Article Review Topics #038; Ideas

Article Review Topics #038; Ideas Writing a well-developed article review is a great way to practice your analytical, reading, writing, and scientific skills. Nowadays, there is a significant number of captivating article review topics and ideas that allow presenting a strong central point and discussing some related ideas. Before you start, read thoroughly all the instructions provided by the professor and pay attention to the topics that are defined by the requirements. In addition, it is necessary to use provided guidelines that usually include a list of relevant literature, paper examples, and several interesting topics to research. Next, while reading the article, keep your focus on the main subject discussed by the author, as the majority of scholarly articles tend to evaluate a range of related theories, issues, and concerns, in this way, attracting the attention of the reader to many other similar subjects. Besides, the authors of such articles usually assume that the readers operate with background knowledge on the point, and, as a result, use sophisticated structures and discuss complicated issues. Therefore, it is highly recommended for the researcher to pay special attention to abstracts, summaries, and conclusions as they help to understand all the discussed information and write a well-developed and comprehensive article review. If you have some difficulties with completing the article review assignment, or you cannot think of proper topics and ideas, the following list of ideas and topics will help you to solve these issues and pick the most interesting one to research. Topic and Ideas for Article Review Below you can find examples of topics for article review: Communication Differences between Males and Females This topic for article review allows you to research gender peculiarities in communication. Search for the articles on the topic in scholarly journals and read them carefully in order to pick up the most interesting and informative. Next, provide a summary of the chosen article, evaluate the applied theories, research method, and discussion section, and provide comments on the results or the conclusion. The Importance of Sport for Students For sure, sport for students is of high importance as it allows young people to develop team spirit, make new friends, and improve their physical well-being. Therefore, you may search for the articles to review in peer-reviewed journals on health and education. In addition, some interesting articles may be found in specialized sports journals. On reading the article, it is necessary to summarize the covered material and provide a developed critique of facts, figures, and other information discussed by the author. Negative Health Effects Caused by Illegal Drugs and Substances In order to write a good article review on the topic, you should look through such journals as Nature Research: International Journal on Science, American Journal of Public Health, Drug and Alcohol Dependence, and others. These journals are reliable sources that provide a number of peer-reviewed articles on illegal drugs written by leading researchers, professors, and practicing specialists. On reading the article, summarize it and discuss the described negative health effects caused by illegal drugs and substances. You may also identify some contradictions or inconsistencies found in the article and think of topics for future research grounded on the discussed information. Use of Drugs in Professional Sports It is not a secret that famous professional sportsmen use different drugs in order to build stamina and perform better results. The articles on this particular subject may be found in The Sport Journal, Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, and Journal of Sport Management. Provide a summary of the chosen article evaluate the provided facts, in this way, developing an informative article review on the provocative topic. Street Art Tendencies in the USA Street art is a popular stream of visual art that is characterized by different graffiti forms, poster art, installations, and sculptures. The articles on these captivating topics may be found in The Street Art Urban Creativity Scientific Journal, The Art Journal, and The Art World. Read the article carefully and provide a comprehensive summary of street art tendencies in the USA. Evaluate the supportive illustrations and pieces of evidence, defining the informative value of the source and specifying the art tendencies in the nearest future. Obesity and Its Negative Effects on Health Nowadays, obesity is one of the most spread medical conditions characterized by negative effects on health. Therefore, it is a great topic to write an informative article review and provide the evaluation of future tendencies. Valuable articles on the point may be found in such peer-reviewed journals as International Journal of Obesity, Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, and others. Causes and Treatment of Infectious Diseases Nowadays, infectious diseases like pneumonia, influenza, strep throat, and others are widely spread and treated with various antiviral medication. These diseases can be spread in direct and indirect ways, being transmitted from one person to another is short periods of time. For that reason, it is a captivating topic to research as it allows discussing the main causes of infectious diseases and evaluating the most efficient ways of treatment. The articles to review may be found in a range of periodicals including The Journal of Infectious Diseases, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, and many others. Ethnic Music Ethnic music is a great topic to review as it allows discovering a lot of interesting information on the ways of expressing historical differences and performing identities in the international urban society. The articles on this topic may discuss the ethnic music of new immigrants, different religious communities, and working-class pieces of music. The articles on ethnic music may be found in The Folk Music Journal, Journal of World Popular Music, and Journal of the International Folk Music Council. Illegal Immigration in the USA The topic of illegal immigration in the USA appears to be one of the most discussed by the American government these days. The official figures of the illegal immigration provided in the government reports are impressive; however, the real number of illegal immigrants is reported to be much higher. Therefore, illegal immigration in the USA is a great topic to discuss as it allows discovering a lot of valuable information on the point. The related articles may be found in The Journal of Economic Literature, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, and The European journal of American studies. Gender Roles and Their Change in the Modern World Because of globalization, gender roles tend to change, having a significant impact on social, economic, and cultural aspects of international society. Numerous scholars and researchers examined this topic in their articles published in such journals as Sex Roles, Gender and Society, Social Politics, and others. On reading the chosen article, summarize the main points and evaluate them thoroughly, defining possible limitations and contradictions. Global Warming Global warming is an important issue that has been actively discussed by numerous specialists for several recent decades. The articles on this topic may be found in a range of American and international journals including The International Journal of Global Warming, The SciFed Journal of Global Warming, and The American Journal of Climate Change. Pick up the most interesting article, summarize the main points on global warming, and provide the evaluation of the supportive information. Multicultural Families Because of globalization, the number of multicultural families has increased considerably. This issue has been discussed in numerous articles published in Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, The Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Journal of Marriage and Family, and others. You may pick up the article on challenges faced by multicultural families, advantages and disadvantages of growing in such families, and adoption of children by multicultural couples. Racism Racism, racial inequality, and discrimination are captivating topics to research and review as they allow discovering a lot of valuable information on the Civil Rights Movement, evaluate the development of the law enforcement, and find numerous interesting historical facts. The related articles may be found in The Journal of World-Systems Research, The Journal of Blacks in Higher Education, American Journal of Public Health, and others. Pick up the article and summarize the information on racism, evaluate supportive facts and figures, and discuss its historical perspectives in the past century. Gun Violence in the USA Gun violence is one of the main causes of premature deaths in the territory of the USA. Because the considerations on this topic are usually controversial, it provides a lot of valuable ideas to research and review. Thus, you can discuss articles on mass shootings, gun violence against women, and gun violence against people of color. The articles on the point may be found in The American Journal of Nursing, Journal of Lancaster General Health, and Science Daily. Legalization of Marijuana Legalization of Marijuana is another topic that requires the author of the article review to evaluate the provided information, summarize it, and define some limitations and inconsistencies mentioned. The articles on the advantages and disadvantages of the legalization of marijuana may be found in The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, Journal of Nursing Regulation, and law journals. Alternative Medicine A range of practitioners all around the globe actively promotes alternative medicine. Because alternative medicine, also known as pseudo medicine, is not proven to be efficient, it is actively discussed by scientists, scholars, and researchers. The article for the review on the point may be found in a range of peer-reviewed journals: Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, and African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. Alzheimers Disease Because Alzheimers disease continues to be one of the most spread chronic neurodegenerative diseases in the world, it is actively discussed by medical specialists, scientists, and researchers. Their well-developed articles on this disease may be found in the Journal of Alzheimers Disease, Journal of Alzheimers Disease and Parkinsonism, and The International Journal of Alzheimers Disease. On reading the article, discuss the possible limitations and evaluate the supportive facts and figures. Autism An autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disorder that has been actively researched by numerous specialists from different countries. Because the disorder usually affects the ability of children to communicate and interact, it is highly important for medical researchers to discuss the possible solutions and treatment programs and evaluate them thoroughly. Numerous articles on the point may be found in specialized journals like Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, Autism Research Journal, and others. On reading the article, it is necessary to summarize important facts and figures on autism, explain the main point of the author, and evaluate the information provided in conclusion. Greenhouse Effect The greenhouse effect is an important issue actively discussed by the specialists as it causes global warming and provides significant harm to the natural environment. Articles on the point are written by experienced researchers and may be found in the International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, and many others. Therefore, your review may include a summary of the article on the greenhouse effect, its evaluation, and some personal reflection on it. Recycling The problem of converting waste materials is growing, and the process of recycling is one of the best possible solutions provided for today. In this way, it is actively discussed by the specialists in a range of reliable sources that include Journal of Waste Resources and Recycling, International Journal of Recycling of Organic Waste in Agriculture, and Journal of Chemical Education. On reading the article, summarize it, provide the evaluation of possible advantages of recycling, and consider the limitations mentioned. Conclusion Writing an interesting and well-structured article review is not easy, as it requires you to find an article in a reliable source, read it thoroughly, evaluate the discussed information, and consider possible limitations. In addition, writing an article review requires you to utilize a set of writing and analytical skills, arrange the paper according to instructions, and meet all the requirements of the professor. At the same time, writing an article review allows discovering a lot of interesting and important information, comparing with the other sources, and define its scientific and academic value.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What Is Air Pollution Essay Example Essays

What Is Air Pollution Essay Example Essays What Is Air Pollution Essay Example Essay What Is Air Pollution Essay Example Essay What cause air pollution We realize that, a living being cant live without anyone elses input. Living beings connect among themselves. Henceforth, all creatures, for example, plants, creatures and people, and in addition the physical surroundings with whom we interface, frame a piece of our condition. Every one of these constituents of nature is reliant upon each other. In this way, they keep up adapting the changes presented by the environment. As we are the main life forms attempt to alter the earth to satisfy our requirements; it is our obligation to find a way to control the natural irregular characteristics. The current developing worry for the nature of our condition has fortified the idea of ecological checking which requires normal periodical estimations of condition took after by opportune appraisal and understanding of information got. Dependable observing information are important to know contamination issue. Condition is weakening step by step because of mechanical contamination, harmful chemicals, car emanation and regular asset exhaustion. Contamination in its different structures is expanding massively. Ecological administration goes for the investigation of every one of these issues and checking contamination with the goal that the earth fulfills the essential human needs at the base and thats just the beginning, if conceivable, for an uncertain future. The primary point of ecological administration is general improvement of condition. Reason for ecological administration is to see whether air is fit for breathing, water is fit for drinking and soil and ocean assets are fit to give all needs. One additionally expects that individuals are all around bolstered, all around housed, knowledgeable and appreciating cheerful and sound life.; Measures incorporated by USA take to control air pollution Flammable strong squanders ought to be scorched in incinerators. This technique does not take care of the issue in a genuine sense in light of the fact that in this, strong waste is being changed over into vaporous squanders causing air contamination. Unless it is appropriately controlled, burning may cause more irritation.; Strong natural squanders including fecal issue and squanders from tanneries ought to be changed over into compost excrement at the spots far from the urban areas and human homes. The treating the soil ought to be done in pits or in piles enough secured with layers of soil no less than 8-10 cm thick to avert fly rearing and rodent hazard which are essential transporters of different maladies.; Non-ignitable strong waste materials like powder, garbage, tins, glass pieces if not recoverable for common purposes ought to be discarded via landfill strategy in low-lying regions.; Anaerobic septic tank treatment can be utilized for singular houses or little groups. Plus, vigorous natural treatment frameworks including streaming channels, initiated slop treatment and oxidation lakes can likewise be utilized for fluid squanders or sewage transfer.; Cars must be either made to dispose of utilization of gas and diesel oil or finish burning is gotten in the motor with the goal that harmful mixes are not radiated. The cars, trucks and other transport frameworks must have an antismog gadget. In a few nations manufacturing plants are utilizing gadgets like scrubbers, typhoon separators or electrostatic precipitators to limit contamination.; Wipes and towels ought to be utilized as a part of place of paper towels and furthermore the utilization of paper containers and plates and comparative materials ought to be halted. ;

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Skills Required to Work as a Deputy Events Manager Essay

Skills Required to Work as a Deputy Events Manager - Essay Example Thus, while the academic qualifications serves to indicate that the individual has sufficient knowledge on the field they are to work, the industrial perspective seeks the expertise that the individual has gained while working in that industry. Thus, to work as a Deputy Events Manager, there are some qualifications and skills deemed necessary. These skills include: The possession of excellent communication skills is one of the relevant qualifications for this post. Without communication, nothing can progress, since it is out of communication that the customer, organization and employee needs can be identified and effectively addressed (Armstrong, 1989 p188). A well developed and all round individual is desired for this position, where writing as well as verbal communication is useful. Verbal communication is more of how you pass the relevant information to others, than it is what you say. Considering that one of the roles that the individual has to play after being hired is to develo p audience growth through marketing and promotional activities, then, excellent communication becomes inevitable. ... This will enhance the ability of the manager to oversee the writing and design of the promotional materials (Hall, 2003 p167). The inability of such a potential employee to connect well with the organization members or his inability to coordinate the development of relevant promotional material due to lack of relevant communication skills would mean the downfall of the organization. Even though technology has played a greater role in assisting individuals to communicate through the provisions of various communication platforms, it does not erode the fact that an individual’s communication skills is a key to enhancing teamwork and cooperation within an organization (Bill, 2011 p28). Lack of such skills is detrimental to the organization in that, the manager may fail to offer suitable leadership to his subordinates, by failing to communicate effectively, on the roles they are supposed to undertake. This further undermines the execution of duties by the subordinate employees, res ulting to chaos and underperformances. Without sufficient communication skills, the individual may not be able to resolve conflicts, both between the subordinates or the organization members, which is a very vital aspect of leadership (Jonathan, 2010 p13). Thus, the possession of these skills is not an option for the prospective event manager. Employee focus and customer service skills are relevant for the prospective occupier of this office. The ability of the individual to connect and entertain the customers of this organization is a skill that the individual suitable for this position cannot do without, anyway. Customers are the most important focus for any business or organization, in that, without customers, then, an organization has no business being in existence (Budd, 2004 p33). The

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Land law Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Land law - Assignment Example 110,000 without explicitly stating that this was a new mortgage leaving Ben to believe that this was some form of mortgage repackaging. Ali used her accountant, Devi, to talk Ben through the mortgage papers. Devi however made it clear that Ali’s job is dependent upon his cooperation. Ali’s investment then failed and made Ben and her to default on their repayments. Their banker, Cantander Bank, initiated the move to repossess the property so as to recover the mortgage amount but Ben is unaware that he signed a second mortgage and is surprised by the move. Repossession is a legal process where an owner’s right to own a property is terminated usually because he or she has defaulted in payments1. Repossession of a mortgaged property usually occurs when the borrower defaults on the regular payment for sometime as stipulated by the terms and conditions of the lender, in this case Cantander Bank. Following the circumstances involved in this case, the bank has a right to recover the owed amount by repossessing and selling Valiant Villa. It is a straightforward case that the two, being joint account holders, make decisions jointly. The fact that the signatures of both partners were appended in the mortgage is enough evidence that each partner consented. It is not up to the bank to determine how the consent was obtained as this is a private, or even a homely, matter2. The bank can point out that it was Ben’s negligence and/or mistake that cost them their family home. A mistake is an erroneous belief that leads one to believe certain facts are true during contracting3. In this case Ben believed that they were repackaging the first mortgage of ?125,000. The law provides that a contract cannot be rendered voidable because it was caused by a unilateral mistake of this nature. Furthermore, Ben acted negligently when he signed the papers without exercising due diligence to know what he was really signing. Negligence is defined as the failure to exer cise care where an otherwise prudent person would when in a like circumstance4. While the real relationship between Ben and Ali is unclear, it is evident that there is mutual trust. The fact that they hold a joint account also shows the amount of trust and confidentiality between them. However, in matters concerning mortgaging a family home it is expected that one will take due care to read and understand the seriousness and the nature of implication of contract being signed. Ben did not do that, neither did he seek independent legal counsel if he did not understand. The bank therefore reserve the right to reposes the property, sell it and recover the amounts loaned to Ben and Ali. However, Ben can use undue influence as his defence and prevent Valiant Villa from being repossessed by Cantander Bank. This is because the courts of law are courts of conscience, they not only apply the law to the letter but also apply them in such a way that justice is served as in the case of Royal Ban k of Scotland v. Etridge 5. The courts have the obligation to determine how consent was obtained. The manner in which the intention to enter the contract was secured is material in cases of repossession especially of a family home. If the court finds out that the consent was obtained through unacceptable or improper means then the court should not allow such a transaction to stand6. In this case, Ben’s can use the undue influence defence by arguing that his consent was not secured in a proper manner. Since Ali knew that Ben did not approve of her

Monday, November 18, 2019

Learning Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Learning Activity - Essay Example aifi, and Khanfar (2013) talked about women’s â€Å"lapses in employment† that occur when they leave work to give birth and take care of their young children that, in turn, reduce the work experience that is needed for higher pay and job promotion (p.243). In addition, numerous women persist in feeling bound to traditional gender roles and responsibilities, so they feel less aggressive in the workplace. Shriver (2009) mentioned women who are raised to be inferior to their brothers and to focus on home and family activities, thus, when they grow up, they do not exactly want an engaging career or business environment. In the workplace, these kinds of women are not seen and promoted equally as men because of social mindsets and practices that curtail their abilities to be effective employees or businesspeople. When these attitudes and practices about women interact, equal employment is not fully felt and applied at work. I agree that there is a correlation between how women are treated in society and how they are treated in the workforce. If women are socially perceived as capable and confident individuals who can get their jobs done despite multiple tasks, then HR managers or owners will hire them because of their positive attitudes and employability. If women are seen as lacking confidence and unreliable at work, then they will also be hardly hired and developed for more competitive jobs. Parcheta, Kaifi, and Khanfar (2013) noted that if society sees women as emotionally, or even, intellectually weaker, than men, it will pay women less and will not recognize their management potential (p.242). In addition, if society sees women as doing only gender-stereotyped roles and responsibilities, then they will also be hired for these kinds of â€Å"feminine† work only, such working in caring and educational roles (Parcheta, Kaifi, Khanfarm, 2013, p.243). However, if society sees women as equally ca pable in personal and work life, then their gender will not be a hindrance

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Same sex marriage

Same sex marriage Same sex marriage is also referred to as the gay marriage or homosexual marriage. These kinds of marriages occur between two people who have similar gender characteristics. They are not as popular as the heterosexual form of marriage though their popularity has grown tremendously in the recent past. Again, the widely accepted definition of marriage does not exclude these marriages. According to the definition, marriage is a union of two individuals who are in love with each other. In some countries, they are legal but in other countries they are taken as immoral and should be punished or wiped from the society. For example many African countries are against this form of marriage due to their strict traditions. In countries like Kenya, Muslims who practice this form of marriage are likely to be subjected to mob violence. In the past, gay marriages where not recognized but due to the social changes in the society today some countries (states) have constitutionally recognized them. This essay focuses on the major reasons as to why some countries support this form of marriages while at the same time other countries demonize and reject them. There are both social and legal reasons as to why some countries like Canada, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands and some states in U.S among other countries support same sex marriages (Belgie 1). One of these legal reasons is the constitution which advocates every individuals right to marry whether gay or not. Again, denying same sex partners the right to marry may be interpreted to be discrimination against the minority. This is considering that they are not hurting anyone of the larger society. Studies have also continually indicated that people who get married are better off (emotionally, financially, psychologically and mentally). Based on this fact, same sex marriages will ultimately benefit the partners along the specified lines. From another perspective, they play a very vital role in helping individuals drop sexual lifestyle characterized by high risks. They are also allowed because they generally help in stabilizing the society. This is because stable families are believed to be t he cornerstone to a stable society. There are numerous reasons as to why gay marriages are still considered illegal in many countries. Firstly it is believed that the main objective in marriage is procreation and it is true that same sex couples cannot make babies. They are prohibited because many feel that they threaten the marriage institution. This is because some people are likely leave their partners and engage into the gay practices. Another reason is that gay marriages offend everything that religion stands for. This is because most of the biblical studies advocate for heterosexual form of marriages. Many also feel that the legalization of gay marriages would legitimize homosexuality in the society which spell a new locus in regard to family and society. Many people also feel that the legalization of gay marriages would promote homosexuality in the public schools. This is because marriage is one of the basics taught in school and it legalization would not only inform the children about homosexuality but also enc ourage them into practicing it. The legalizing of the homosexual marriages is highly discouraged by some societies because they fear that it will erode its heterosexual cultural beliefs in the society. Many gay individuals have been pushing for the legalization of this behavior however many governments have rejected them. In U.S, states like California, New York, Rhode Island, Washington D.C, Massachusetts and New Mexico have legalized same sex marriages (Vestal 1). Others are expected to follow suit as the trend gains popularity. This has been heightened by the fact that some of renowned public figures have stood out in their support. Many should however note that gay marriages have both merits and demerits. It may be the countries which have legalized find it advantageous to the society. Works cited Vestal, Christine. Gay marriage legal in six states, April 08, 2009. Retrieved on 15th February, 2010, from

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

Lactic Acid had a pretty nasty reputation up until recently. It was thought to cause muscle fatigue and muscle cramps in not only ultra marathon runners and marathon runners, but in any sport. I had recently completed my first marathon and was worried about the lactic acid buildup more than anything. Around the sixteenth mile of the Atlantic City Marathon I felt the tiredness creeping up from my toes into my hips. Right away, I thought about lactic acid. Before doing the research for this paper, anything I knew about lactic acid was told to me by my high school cross country coach and my brother, who runs cross country and track for Lock Haven College. When my legs would get tired during training, I was told to lay on the floor with my legs up against the wall so the lactic acid would drain out of them. Who knew that everything I was told was a lie?! I know a lot of coaches that still believe that lactic acid is bad and refuse to give up on that fact, but without doing the research, they will never know the truth. When running long distances, the body uses two systems for energy: the aerobic and the anaerobic energy systems. The aerobic energy system uses oxygen in the process, while the anaerobic energy system does not use oxygen. According to the American Running Association, â€Å"ATP is a high-energy molecule and the main source of energy for muscle contractions. When we exercise aerobically, ATP is derived from the oxygen that we breathe in. Glucose and glycogen is nevertheless also required to convert this oxygen into energy. When the amount of ATP needed cannot be derived quickly enough with traditional oxygen intake and conversion to energy, the body then relies on the anaerobic energy system, which created as a byproduct, la... ...ned by the heart and the blood vessels. So if you carry on training a guy, you will not improve his aerobic capacity, but his performance will still improve because the lactate acid threshold is not limited by the cardiovascular system---it’s determined by the quality of the muscles. â€Å" This means that the more a runner’s muscles are adapted to this kind of running, the better they will be during a long run or ultra marathon (Cox). When I think about these men that have run ultra marathon after ultra marathon, it kind of inspires me to do one someday. After I think about it for a little bit though, I go back and remember what it felt like running 26.2 miles. I could never imagine what my legs and feet would feel like after running even 27 miles, let alone 50 or more. People like this are so inspirational and what ever they put their mind to, they can accomplish it.

Monday, November 11, 2019

My aim in life Essay

â€Å"The mere act of aiming at something big makes you big.† (Jawaharlal Nehru) Bestowing man with life and sending him on earth to live is fully justified. This all has been done for a specific reason. Idealizing his purpose and endeavoring to objectify it into reality is the real pinnacle/ culmination of human being. A man without an aim is like a rudderless ship in stormy sea; a vagabond wandering/rambling in streets with no particular direction to follow. To give one’s life a defined pattern and to enjoy it in its full bloom, one must have an aim in his life. â€Å"Aim simply means an ambition or a desire for ones future which helps him keeping attention focused on particular target.† In this avaricious and money-oriented world, everyone enjoys a materialistic life and lives for an aim that proves to be a financial boost as well. That is the reason why most of the people wish to become a doctor, engineer or a businessman. But I dream of becoming a techer. Though teachers are very ill-paid in our society, I want to adopt this profession on completely spiritual basis. Teaching, being the work of prophets and saints, is also a subject of my religious inclination. I always love to wonder teaching a number of students the principles of justice and fair play, epitomizing them in a particular skill and nurturing their fledgling ideas into veteran moods. I want to contribute in the society by providing it with minds having innovative ideas, high objectives and good moral values; an assemblage that will steer the sinking boat of our country through the winding river to a heavenly abode. Becoming a teacher would be a way to do that. I want to inculcate the sense of richness of talent in the brooding minds with which they can do something exemplary. I want to be the guiding star showing the right path to the passengers lost in the pitchy darkness. I wish to open new horizons to/on the coming generation so that they may learn something new beyond the world of books; so that they may learn seeking answers themselves, something learned not by reading but by experiencing/practicing. For this, I would have to be a paragon of the saying of F.W. Robertson: â€Å"The true aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher should be not to impart his own opinions but to kindle minds.† Savoring that wonderful sensation when one of your students gets a feather in the cap; experiencing the love of hundreds of adolescents; tackling with their pure mischiefs and lifting them  up to rule the sky, are those experiences only a teacher can have. Our country is direly lacking true teachers. It needs educators, mentors, reformers, guides and moralists as teachers. I would like to develop all these characteristic capabilities among my pupil so that they may serve the society in the best possible way. Becoming a doctor, I would be treating patients only! Becoming an engineer would merely result in constructing buildings! But becoming a teacher, I would be able to build a whole new society and can treat the entire spiritual (mystical) ailments prevailing around; provide the society the best manpower; and produce many doctors, engineers, bureaucrats, business men and many more, as Alexander once said: â€Å"The world doesn’t need any Alexander, but Aristotle. As Alexander can’t make any Aristotle but Aristotle can produce many Alexander’s.† A teacher plays the most constructive role in the society. He changes attitudes, to maintain a congenial environment for the society to flourish. He is the one who makes anonymous reap laurels. Utilizing all hi s capacities, he makes his pupil continue their journey amidst the endless world of victories. Doing all this, his spiritual ecstasy is at its peak and this is the foremost reason why I aim at becoming a teacher.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Origins of Italian Surnames

Origins of Italian Surnames Whats in an Italian last name? Ask Leonardo da Vinci, Piero della Francesca, Alessandro Botticelli, or Domenico Ghirlandaio. They were all great artists of the Italian Renaissance, and their surnames paint a picture, too. On the Map Historically, many Italian last names were based on where a person lived or was born. Leonardo da Vincis family was from Vinci, a town in eastern Tuscany- hence his last name, meaning from Vinci. Ironically, during his lifetime, he was referred to solely by his first name. The sculptor Andrea Pisano, best known for his panels on the bronze south door of the Florence Baptistery, was originally named Andrea da Pontedra since he was born in Pontedra, a village near Pisa. He was later referred to as Pisano, indicating the town famous for the Leaning Tower. The single-named Perugino was from the town of Perugia. One of the most popular Italian last names today, Lombardi, is tied to the region of the same name. A Barrel of Laughs Ask most people to name a work of art by Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi and theyd be hard-pressed to name even one. But mention some of his famous works that hang in the Uffizi, such as The Birth of Venus or The Adoration of the Magi, and theyd probably recognize Botticelli. His name was derived from his elder brother Giovanni, a pawnbroker, who was called Il Botticello (The Little Barrel). Another Florentine artist from the fifteenth century with a colorful last name was Giuliano Bugiardini, which literally means little liars. Maybe his family was known for their storytelling skills. There are many other richly imagined, descriptive Italian last names, such as Torregrossa (big tower), Quattrochi (four eyes), Bella (beautiful), and Bonmarito (good husband). Mr. Smith Some Italian last names are related to a persons occupation or trade. Domenico Ghirlandaio, an Early Renaissance painter noted for his frescoes, probably had an ancestor who was a gardener or florist (the word ghirlanda means wreath or garland). Another Florentine painter, also famous for his frescoes, was known as Andrea del Sarto, but his real name was Andrea dAgnolo di Francesco. His moniker del sarto (of the tailor) was derived from his fathers profession. Other examples of Italian surnames related to jobs include Contadino (farmer), Tagliabue (ox-cutter or butcher), and Auditore (literally meaning a hearer, or listener and referring to a judge). Johnson, Clarkson, Robinson Piero di Cosimo, an Early Renaissance painter, adopted his last name as a patronym- that is, his last name was based on his fathers name (Piero di Cosimo- Peter son of Cosimo). Piero della Francesca, whose masterpiece fresco cycle the Legend of the True Cross can be seen in the 13th–century church of San Francesco in Arezzo, had a matronymic surname. That is, his last name was based on his mother’s name (Piero della Francesca- Peter son of Francesca). Left to the Wolves Italian last names typically arose from geographic location, description, patronym, or trade. Theres one other source that deserves mention, though, especially considering how prevalent the last name is. Esposito, literally meaning exposed (from the Latin expositus, past participle of exponere to place outside) is a Italian surname commonly denoting an orphan. Typically, abandoned children were left on church steps, hence the name. Other Italian last names derived from the practice include Orfanelli (little orphans), Poverelli (little poor (people), and Trovato/Trovatelli (found, little foundling). Top 20 Italian Last Names Below are the top 20 Italian surnames throughout Italy: RossiRussoFerrariEspositoBianchiRomanoColomboRicciMarinoGrecoBrunoGalloContiDe LucaCostaGiordanoManciniRizzoLombardiMoretti

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

3 Examples of How a Comma Can Change Meaning

3 Examples of How a Comma Can Change Meaning 3 Examples of How a Comma Can Change Meaning 3 Examples of How a Comma Can Change Meaning By Mark Nichol Omission of a lowly comma often alters the intent of a sentence, as demonstrated in the following examples, each followed by discussion and a revision. 1. Customers likely to be the target of any kind of prosecution under this law include individuals who use tax planners such as celebrities and politicians. This sentence mistakenly implies that celebrities and politicians sometimes double as tax planners, but the terms for those classes of people are modifying individuals, not â€Å"tax planners,† so either relocate the pertinent phrase â€Å"such as celebrities and politicians† to follow individuals, or simply set the phrase off with a comma: â€Å"Customers likely to be the target of any kind of prosecution under this law include individuals who use tax planners, such as celebrities and politicians.† 2. Within three years, the company projects that 67 percent of all spending on enterprise information technology will target cloud-based products and services. Omission of a comma to complement the one preceding what should be a parenthetical phrase leads to the erroneous implication that the projection is directly tied to the period specified. But â€Å"the company projects† is merely an attribution, and â€Å"within three years† pertains to the percentage figure, not the projection: â€Å"Within three years, the company projects, 67 percent of all spending on enterprise information technology will target cloud-based products and services.† (Note also the deletion of that.) 3. Organizational structure does not specifically represent a building block of procurement success- at least not in the way that cost analysis, sourcing or savings methodology and tracking do. Does this sentence refer to cost analysis, sourcing, and savings methodology and tracking, or does it refer to cost analysis, sourcing or savings methodology, and tracking? The context may be clear for experts, but a layperson may be perplexed, and even someone very familiar with these concepts may be momentarily puzzled. If your publication does not customarily employ serial commas, use one nevertheless when one or more items in an in-line list (one appearing within a sentence) is complex (â€Å"a and b†). Better yet, always use the serial comma: â€Å"Organizational structure does not specifically represent a building block of procurement success- at least not in the way that cost analysis, sourcing, or savings methodology and tracking do.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Farther vs. Further45 Synonyms for â€Å"Old† and â€Å"Old-Fashioned†20 Ways to Laugh

Monday, November 4, 2019

Willy Russell's Educating Rita Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Willy Russell's Educating Rita - Essay Example It traces the development of a young working class hairdresser who attends English literature tutorials with an older academic called Frank. While the story of Rita is both amusing and poignant, it is in fact the transformation of Frank that provides the richest message of the play. At the beginning of the play there is a deliberate contrast between Rita’s fresh approach to literature, and Frank’s obvious boredom with his job. This can be seen in the way that Rita surprises Frank in her answers to his assignment questions, for example when he asks her a question about how to stage the play Peer Gynt, Rita answers â€Å"Do it on the radio† (Act I, Scene 4). The audience knows that part of the reason for this short answer is that she had to struggle against the combined opposition of her partner and her father to complete this assingmnent. Frank, however, interprets this the answer of a genius, showing Rita is an original spirit, able to think around the question a nd reframe it in an intelligent and quite radical way. It is not the kind of answer that Frank would expect from his usual students.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Encountering the Old Testament Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Encountering the Old Testament - Assignment Example Nonetheless, as Cain called on God to provide some protection for him, as he feared being slain in his journeys, God yielded to Cain’s prayers and granted that â€Å"anyone who kills Cain will suffer vengeance seven times over† (Genesis 4:15 The New International Version). The Divine protection of Cain enabled him to reside safely in the eastern land of Nod, and to build the first city on the Earth, named after his first-born son, Enoch. The mercy of God thus proved instrumental in the development of human civilization (Arnold & Beyer, 2008). The case of Cain demonstrated that Lord God is simultaneously wrathful and merciful, ready both to punish and to forgive. The story of the Ark of Noah that may be found in the selfsame Book of Genesis is further testimony to this capacity of God, and, therefore, it is necessary to dwell on it in detail. According to Genesis, the Flood was caused by especial depravity of humans then living on Earth, who went as far as entering into sexual relations with â€Å"sons of the God† (i.e. the fallen angels; Genesis 6:2 The New International Version). ...The Covenant of God with Noah and his successors (Genesis 9:8-10 The New International Version) proved that Divine mercy is always quick to return to those who show their obedience to God’s will. The story of Jonah may likewise be invoked here. When Jonah declined God’s dictum to go to the city of Nineveh and preach against its residents’ wickedness, Lord God sent a great storm against the ship carrying him (Jonah 1:4 The New International Version). Eventually, Jonah was consumed by the belly of the â€Å"huge fish† sent by the Lord, and he was there for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17 The New International Version). However, God’s mercy wathe s still shown to Jonah, as, when he gave prayer to the Lord in hope of salvation, God commanded the fish to release Jonah, and he was able to continue his way, going to Nineveh t o fulfill God’s will.Â